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Top Luxury Series Malachite Peacock Green Stone

Luxury Stone Marble

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Top Luxury Series Malachite Peacock Green Stone
Jul. 09,2019
Malachite, with its beautiful, rich green color, leaves no doubt of its importance as a jewel. Its opaque strength and power demands respect, mesmerizing the viewer. Yet the movement, flow and energy in its lines, circles and designs soothe and welcome. It is spiritually inviting.

Malachite personifies the deep healing green of nature and represents the innate beauty of flowers, trees, roots and plants. It manifests a deep Devic green which rules the material plane. [Raphaell, 144] It is a Stone of Transformation, assisting one in changing situations and providing for spiritual growth. [Melody, 395] It heals on physical and emotional levels, drawing out impurities and stimulating the Life Force throughout the aura and body. [Ahsian, 248]

The name Malachite may come from the Greek word malakee, or malache, signifying the resemblance of Mallow leaves, or from the Greek word malakos, meaning soft. [Fernie, 167][Simmons, 247] Being a carbonate of copper, Malachite is sometimes intergrown with Azurite, forming Malachite-Azurite, or with Chrysocolla, forming Malachite-Chrysocolla. [Simmons, 247]

Well known to ancient Egyptians, Malachite mines were in use between the Suez and Sinai as early as 4000 B.C. [Kunz, 97] It was also popular with the ancient Greeks and Romans, for jewelry, ornaments, and in powdered form, for eye shadow. In the Middle Ages, Malachite was believed to protect against the "Evil Eye" and to cure various stomach ailments. Russian czars used Malachite for ornaments and paneling for their castles, and intricate inlay work. [Simmons, 247]

Inherent in Malachite is lighter green eye-shaped forms or bands on its surface. These "eye stones," believed to enhance great visionary powers, were used to ward off negative happenings. They were stones of security and protection for children, and their most remarkable association today is the ability to warn of impending danger by breaking into pieces. [Mella, 90]


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